Campus Health & Safety

Wilson Community College is committed to preserving a safe and secure environment for learning and working. The campus is protected during business hours with police officers and/or security guards. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and by using the following safety tips, the campus will be safer for everyone. In accordance with the Clery Act, the College publishes information related to security procedures and yearly crime statistics on the college website and in the College Catalog.

COVID-19 Information

Wilson Community College continuously monitors ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) updates from local, state, and national authorities. As facts develop, we intend to provide accurate and timely information whenever warranted. Current COVID-19 protocols and restrictions implemented on our campus can be found at our COVID-19 information page.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, it is the policy of Wilson Community College that the use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of illicit drugs and alcoholic beverages on college property or as part of any college-sponsored activity be prohibited.

Anyone who violates the College’s policies relating to drug abuse will be referred for the applicable legal sanctions under federal and state laws governing use and possession of a controlled substance. Violators of the drug and alcohol-free campus policy should also be aware of the impact on financial aid.

The college provides information on health risks and also provides information that will assist in the location of treatment or counseling services for addiction issues.

Tobacco Use Policy

Effective with the beginning of Fall Semester 2012, tobacco use is prohibited on campus except in a personally owned vehicle or a designated tobacco use shelter.  Tobacco use will not be permitted at any time in any building on the Wilson Community College campus or in any building under the control of the College. This includes all classrooms, hallways, restrooms, offices, and vending and lounge areas.  Tobacco use is also prohibited in any College-owned vehicle or any State Motor Fleet Vehicle maintained by the College.

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Severe Weather Alert

Due to the threat of severe weather, the college will be closed on Friday, September 7, 2023.