Substantive Changes

The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACSCOC) requires colleges to report and/or acquire approval for “any significant modification or expansion in the nature and scope of an accredited institution.” A substantive change includes:

  • adding new curriculum programs
  • adding locations where WCC holds curriculum courses
  • expanding a program from one campus to an additional location
  • changing the method of delivering instruction to students, including adding distance education options
  • forming collaborative arrangements with other colleges or schools
  • moving or closing a location where WCC holds curriculum classes

Substantive changes generally require notification of the change to be submitted to SACS six months prior to the implementation and a prospectus be submitted at least three months prior to the implementation.

General Guidelines

*Always confirm requirements with the most recent documentation on the SACSCOC website:


SACS Requirement

Approved Program
  • If not significantly different from program offerings at that site: No Letter
  • If significantly different from program offerings at that site: Letter Only
  • If significantly different from program offerings at that site: Letter Only
  • If student can earn more than 50% of credits for a credential: Prospectus*
  • If student can earn 25-­‐49% of credits for a credential: Letter Only
  • If student can less than 25% of credits for a credential: No Notification
New Program
  • If new program repackages existing coursework: No Letter
  • If it is a “significant departure” from existing program offerings: Prospectus
  • If new program adds courses that are not significant departure
    • If similar to programs at the site: No Letter
    • If different from programs at the site: Letter Only
New Certificate
  • If new certificate repackages existing coursework: No Letter
  • If it is a “significant departure” from existing courses: Modified Prospectus
  • If new certificate adds courses that are not significant departure
    • If similar to programs at the site: No Letter
    • If different from programs at the site: Letter only
Approved Certificate
  • Prospectus
New Program
  • Separate Prospectus for the program and the site
Ending Program
  • If WCC teaches out the students
    • Notify immediately
    • Letter with teachout plan and prior approval
  • If other institution teaches out the students
    • Notify immediately
    • Letter with teachout agreement and prior approval
Adding programs or

sites through teachout

  • By accepting a program/site through teachout agreement from another institution: Prospectus
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Severe Weather Alert

Due to the threat of severe weather, the college will be closed on Friday, September 7, 2023.